Month: February 2012

The Balancing Act

Ugh, this past week has been really challenging for me. Not just with the livefit trainer but life in general. I can hardly motivate myself to do things I love, like read or hoopdance. Chocolate has gone from a minor temptation to a full blown addiction and I have no idea how to deal with any of it. I don’t (didn’t) even like chocolate that much. I blame Valentines day. As far as motivation goes, I’m just really struggling. I think I’m at that halfway mark when all your goals seem so far away, but you feel entitled to the prize already because of the work you’ve put in. Ya know? Plus, although I have an amazing network of friends and family that are supportive, I’m alone in most of my goals. The few people I know with similar aspirations are also the people I see the least of. Maybe that should change. I’ve found myself to be incredibly self starting, but everyone needs a nudge sometimes. I think that time has come for me. …

If you don’t like Valentines day, you’re a jerk. Here’s why…

So I get that some people are really affected by their singleness. If you’re one of these people you might avoid restaurants and your local Walgreens today. And that’s understandable (although I believe in friend Valentines too). I don’t think anyone in the world would be pissed to receive a Valentine, more often then not, you’re probably bitter about years of Valentines neglect. Boooo freaking hoo. But there’s an entirely separate group of assholes that “don’t believe in capitalist commercial holidays.” PULL IT TOGETHER. I think this is a complete cop out. Why don’t you just be nice? You don’t want to support Walmart? Fine! There’s about a hundred Mexicans year round selling single roses. You could clip a rose from your lawn, make a card, write a song, or maybe just put in a little extra effort in the bedroom. My point, is that Valentines day isn’t about you. Or your baggage. Or your stupid political agenda. Stop reading so far into it. Its an excuse to make someone smile, or tell them you …

What a day!

As some if you may have noticed, I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been dealing with some dreadful computer issue known as the “black screen of death.” It’s excusive to windows (lucky us), and it has many possible causes including malware and windows security updates. That being said it’s pretty much made my computer useless. As a result I’m currently blogging from my WordPress Android app. It works great, however I don’t like writing in length using such a small platform. In addition to my terrible computer luck which is affecting my blog, schoolwork, workout logs, and piano lessons, today my car broke down. Just another thing to add to the list. It really put me in a shitty mood for the first part if my day. Luckily, I have really great supportive parents AND they live within a mile of my workplace. My mom was able to pick me up and my Dad was nice enough to lend me his truck. I’m forever grateful for that trust, because my car breaks down all …